Like many of you, I'm prone to share things that cross my newsfeed with friends, family and occasionally on my blogs and ramblings.
Lately, my time has been a bit more scattered across a variety of things and my blogs are one of the things that have slipped through the cracks. I will be continuing to work on that as we move forward.
Today I'd had a French Onion Beef Stroganoff recipe cross my feed and I quickly shared it with somewhat of a "Gotta Try it" message.
Only a few moments later, my Epicure sponsor/upline posted a comment about using our Epicure Beef Stroganoff with it. Why, of course!
It got me thinking about all the times we see a recipe online or otherwise and then for whatever reason we tweak it to make it our own. Sometimes it could be because an item used isn't to your liking, perhaps an allergy, or maybe you just don't have an item that the recipe calls for.
I like challenging myself in the kitchen and this was a big part of my decision to join Epicure in the first place. James and I had dubbed Wednesday night "date night" and we'd made a conscious decision to cook together and we'd often joke that we joined Epicure to "spice up" date night. This comment always gets a laugh because aside from the obvious, neither of us has ever had a thing for what most would consider overly spicy.
One of my favourite things about Epicure is that what you may have bought as a dip can actually be used in a variety of other ways to suit YOUR way of cooking.
At one time I ran out of my beloved staples, toasted onion, and minced garlic and having just embarked on a cooking marathon after stocking up on hamburger that was on sale I was in a bit of a panic. I grabbed 3 Onion dip mix and thought I'd give that a go. I was NOT disappointed!! I have also used French Onion in this fashion. Most recently, I have become a real SPG-aholic. ALL of these are wonderful sprinkled over a roast in the crockpot too!
I'll often put a tablespoon of spice in my rice steamer with plain white rice for a zip of flavour. Such a little goes a long way ~ and totally vanquishes the dinnertime blahs.
Some of my favourites are Pico Salsa, Lemon Dilly Dip, Roasted Red Pepper Dip, and 3 Onion Dip Mix.
Great food doesn't have to be complicated! It just has to be shared and enjoyed!
Do you have a favourite "alternate" use for one of your go-to Epicure seasonings? I'd love to hear about it! Drop me a line any time!
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