We are looking for 10 people who would be interested in being part of an Epicure Pantry Group.
What it involves:
1. Spending $20 a month, before shipping & GST if applicable, for 10 consecutive months months ( eg Sep - June ) on Epicure products (spices, seasonings, baking supplies, holiday favourites such as cranberry sauce & cheeseball mixes, etc) to restock your pantry or to use as gifts (or whatever). You will already be spending close to this on the same products but purchasing them from the grocery store. Epicure is 100% Canadian owned & operated.
What it involves:
1. Spending $20 a month, before shipping & GST if applicable, for 10 consecutive months months ( eg Sep - June ) on Epicure products (spices, seasonings, baking supplies, holiday favourites such as cranberry sauce & cheeseball mixes, etc) to restock your pantry or to use as gifts (or whatever). You will already be spending close to this on the same products but purchasing them from the grocery store. Epicure is 100% Canadian owned & operated.
2. Receiving the hostess benefits during one of those 10 months (names drawn at random from those who have yet to host). This means you get at least $45 worth of free product as well as at least one half-price item. You will know in advance which month you are selected as the host so if you want to supplement your order with outside orders, you will earn more free & half-price items!
3. Opportunity to come to my house when new stock is released (spring & fall) and sample new recipes & product. Yum!
Let me know if you want to join. It will be delicious and fun. It's never too late to try and spice up your food with delicious & healthy products. Check out the website to see a catalogue or I can also give you a paper copy.
Need more supplies, have a large family? Consider committing to 2 or more spots - increase your monthly dollar commitment, but get additional turns to be hostess!
We can also do a larger commitment and smaller time period if you prefer (25 a month for 8 months or 50 a month for 6 months, for example).
Message me if you have any questions and feel free to tell your friends. Space is limited, however, to the first 10 people who commit. If there is enough interest additional clubs may be formed.
Specializing in Fundraisers, Catalog Parties, and Cooking Clubs!
Thank-you for choosing us to be YOUR
Tammy J. Wilson ~ J. James Edwards
Order online 24-7 Canada-Wide
E-mail: feedmeepicure@gmail.com
Or Call: 613-655-1010
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